Chau Belle is currently the general manager of the l’Art du Déplacement Academy in Paris. He continues sharing the discipline by training new coaches and L’Art du Déplacement artists. He has been involved in running summer camps for hundreds of young people which Majestic Force initiated in Courchevel, while also partnering with other international groups and projects such as Skochypstiks, a Balkan group who promote the use of the discipline to cross cultural and political borders on their Motion Tours in the Balkans, Asia and America. He is also pursuing his artistic life as an actor, choreographer and stunt co-ordinator.
Below are some of the videos relating to Chau’s story that are featured in the book.
Stade 2 TV report in 1998
Yamakasi action compilation
Le Message
Taxi 2
Yamakasi, Les samourais des temps modernes
Les fils du vent
Generation Yamakasi